
In a panic, Elalle pushed on the Duke and the girl to get them to move faster out the door. She knew she wasn’t really the right size to usher anyone, but now wasn’t the time to get bogged down in details. “Faster, guys…Faster!” she urged them on while glancing back over her shoulder. She could see that the room was slowing stirring. Some to examine the body sprawled out on the floor, others thinking about getting up and stopping the three of them, and others still going to get their drinks refreshed.

Standing out in the street Cybil's mind whirled with a sea of images and colors, she could feel the threads of fate of the people around her, but these threads thrummed in a pleasing manner. One struck high, melodic notes that seemed to sing... the other deep, bass notes that sounded like battle drums, but at the same time reminded her of a protector's voice. She began to hum aloud, an eerie melodic tune as she spun in circles beneath the moonlight, attempting to make her voice harmonize with the sounds that apparently only she could hear. Her thin dress made her body shiver in the cool of the night, but she seemed mostly unaware of her physical form. Her feet were wrapped in clearly worn sandals and beyond this she didn't seem to do much to protect herself from the elements. The silver handle of the dagger still protruded from the sheath attached to her calf, but it's deadly power seemed quiet in the face of her joyous moonlit dance.

Laurence was not very happy with this turn of events. Not only had he failed to get a room in the Inn, he had managed to sweep up yet another party member. However, this had been the most unexpected and least desired of them all. It ended up a good thing that Lorena followed him away from home, and Nor turned out to be helpful... in her own way. Elalle even was a decent addition, with her cool head in the midst of difficult situations... which all Laurence, Nor and Lori seemed to not have. But this new woman! Normally he would have batted Elalle away for shooing him so, for a lack of a better term, forcefully, but it was certainly time to get out of that tavern. Last thing he needed was another riot chasing him out of the village. As they stumbled out into the cool air, Laurence plodded right forward to grab up his horse's reigns. Reanna whinnied at him, annoyed to be woken up. "Shh, we need to get out of here quickly..." He looked back to Elalle and the blonde woman, waving them over. "We need to get away from this scene... NOW." His voice was firm, his pale blue eyes narrowed from the gravity of the situation.

Elalle watched the girl spin about a bit out of the corner of her eye. ‘Something is not right with this one…’ she thought to herself, ‘That or…’ She brushed the thought from her mind for the time being. The Duke was now waving them over, having finally gotten his act together. She flitted over to his side and hissed through her teeth, “It’s about time you snapped into action. Help her up,” she instructed, pointing to the girl as she hummed to herself.

Cybil seemed unperturbed by the change in attitude from the tall man whose thread thrummed so strongly in her ear, she could sense the animal's shock at being awoken but her mind was trapped in clouds and it seemed that once again she was not where she should be, not in the right time again. It always seemed to happen when people really needed her to pay attention... The shift of the dirt beneath her sandals slowed as she stopped her spinning and attempted to orient herself to the reality she was actually occupying. Wasn't it night time? Her mind could see only daylight, and people everywhere, had she been in danger? Cybil's voice chirped softly in the darkness near Elalle, "Light, so bright, wish I had no fright tonight, no more silver pieces, sweet threads singing softly, softly singing with me here..." It seemed that she had once been concerned with something, with these life threads that she could still feel, and she knew what she was seeing was not where she was. Some level of her conscious was aware of her misguided mind's wanderings, but she feared no one would ever realize her situation and she would be cursed to live her life only occasionally, and spend the rest of her time in clouded futures and pasts.

The knight would pale considerably at Elalle's suggestion. "You want me to TOUCH her?" The corners of his lips tugged downward. Pensively, he glanced over in the blonde woman's direction. She had ceased her dancing, but still didn't seem... with it... "...I really hope you understand my preoccupation with this." He gave Elalle a quick glare. "If she's able to kill a man without even touching him, I really would hate to see what happens when someone actually tries to..." He sighed, shaking his head. "The goddess' quest will be the end of me..." He hesitantly made way towards Cybil, taking her arm as gently as possible. "Here, I... am going to help you to the horse." He gulped slightly. Laurence had taken her arm earlier, of course, but that was BEFORE he knew she could kill so easily. Not that it should really unnerve him, he's seen plenty of death in his time. But... something so... unnaturally natural about the brute's death still affected him deeply. "Come... we'll get away from here." He tugged on her arm lightly.

She made a slightly sour face and rolled her eyes and the Duke. “Well I very well can’t help her onto the horse, now can I? You will be fine,” the fae stated firmly. She was pretty sure she was right about him being safe from harm. Her focus did shift, however, from Laurence to the blade strapped to Cybil’s leg. "Stop being a wuss and help her. I don't care how it happens, just get her on that horse!"

When the tall man touched her arm and began to pull her forward, she could almost see more of the reality she felt to be 'right'. The daylight sky seemed to tear in places and she could see night, and wispy clouds and starlight. "Its almost real, dark light, there are so many pretty dots up here, too much light for night, don't you see?" Cybil hummed to herself between the words, her eyes rolled up towards the sky again as she allowed herself to be pulled and the more he touched her arm the more she could see of the night sky. Her mind tried to separate the true sky from the future sky, the sunlight burst bright and suddenly she was back in the vision, the light blinding her eyes, and she could feel herself being lifted onto the horse. Sometimes the power of her visions spooked animals who could see things themselves sometimes, but this beast seemed well traveled, and well trained, and merely breathed out beneath her.

Laurence all but died from relief to see that the woman was making way over, and even allowing him to push her up onto sit on Reanna. His battle horse only let out a light, grunting noise. Giving her consent, but begrudgingly a bit. Laurence rubbed her nose, shushing her. Of course, she would do what asked... Reanna knew that Laurence wouldn't ask her to do anything if it weren't important. He had a tendency to spoil the things he loves in this way. With a bit of a grunt, he heaved himself up behind the blonde woman. "I suppose it will be a chore to get a name from her, too." He mumbled, but probably loud enough for Elalle to hear. Reaching around her to grab Reanna's reigns, he tapped her lightly with his feet. The horse silently took off to a decent gallop. Laurence knew Elalle would either keep pace or be right behind as he head towards the nearby forest.

Wings flapping furiously, she followed along side. There was no point in her riding the horse right now, especially since there wasn’t really room for her anyway. Besides, she could fly fast enough to keep up with relative ease. She was pretty sure her wings would be sore later. She was also fairly sure that a crowd had emerged from the tavern, but the trio had already ridden past it to be sure. Tree branches whipped past her, which she dodged nimbly. Every passing day she grew more used to the mortal plane and its constant onslaught of obstacles against her tiny being. The moon shone above her, finally having come out from hiding. The air behind her sparkled and glimmered in the moonlight as she wove her path all around the Duke and Cybil. The rhythmic pounding of the horse hooves soon became a comforting sound, knowing that they had once again eluded danger.

The rhythm of the hooves drilled through the bright light her mind was showing her, but she couldn't shake herself from the vision. She specifically saw one group walking through the town, smiling and laughing. For once it wasn't a bad vision, it seemed she was seeing people becoming... happy? "There are three of them, three is a good number, three, threeee, three little ones all better now, alllll better," she spoke quietly, and wasn't sure over the hooves if she could be heard. She had altered fate, she could still feel the warmth from the small silver blade that always happened when she had to change the cloth that built up destiny. She wondered if her change had been for good, some days her hands seemed to move of their own accord and she felt she was a puppet for the fates, but if she could only stay in one reality for long enough to understand the people there, maybe she would be able to grasp more from the visions that filled her mind night and day.

Laurence tried not to be bothered by the blonde woman's incessant ramblings, though... once he paid more attention, he found some sort of odd sense from them. This either meant that her insanity was rubbing off, or she wasn't completely insane like he originally decided. And... her musical ramblings were... familiar. As in, he had either heard of such a person or read about it. And... if she was the type of character he was thinking, some of these events might start to make sense. Either way, it was too early to tell. The only clues were her poetic and crazy ramblings and that knife. Neither of which were terribly helpful. However... him and Elalle would talk of it when they reached safety. Which appeared to be close. Seeing as Reanna was winding to a slower pace. Laurence sighed out and tugged back on the reigns to bring his horse to a complete stop. The only way they could see the village was through the trees, in the distance the occasional flicker from a torch or porch lamp. With another grunt, Laurence shoved off of Reanna. His eyes raised up, trying to spot Elalle. "Well, we're here, safe... or at least should be, unless that man's death is tied to us." His best attempt at a smile currently was a cough, which he went ahead and did. His hands hesitantly laid themselves on the blonde woman's elbows, trying to guide her to the ground. "Let's see if we can at least get a name out of her..." Laurence mused.

Elalle sighed heavily – a mixture of exhaustion and relief. She fluttered down to the ground to sit beneath a young oak tree to rest. “Get a name out of her?” she repeated back to the Duke. “Do you really think she’d reach a level of lucidity on this plane to get something like that out of her?” Leaning back on her hands she looked up to watch Laurence help the girl off the horse. She noticed that his demeanor toward her had changed however. He wasn’t as apprehensive about touching her. Raising an eyebrow, she cocked her head slightly to the side and smirked. “So, you know what she is then?” She had had a strong feeling for a while now. Cybil acted like them – those that had been touched by the Goddess. It had been a long time since she knew one existed. This girl, this blonde-haired oddity, she had to be one. There was no other explanation. She was an Oracle.

Cybil was guided off the horse and sat down on the grass, her fingers inter-weaving with the blades that tickled her palms. It was so much easier to pay attention to the right plane when she could feel it. She could feel the tickle of a small bug crawling along her leg and the sensation made her shiver. Her lips curled into a smile and she leaned her head to the side, allowing the breeze to blow her blonde hair across her face. "Dark, sun is gone, does this its here now, i'm here now, need to find a thread thats closer to time.." Her voice carried well in this empty clearing, but she couldn't stop herself from speaking. These sensations linked her with the place she really was, which was well enough as the memory of the happy, sunshine dancing family had faded several minutes before they reached this place, and for some reason all she could hear were the sounds of battle and the acrid tang of blood filled her mouth. She knew she wasn't bleeding, it was just the sensations of another time taking over her own senses. Her hands dug into the earth slightly to remind her where she was, not in danger, not at war, no weapons, no blood, no smoke, no screaming, it was all far far away.

Laurence was highly nervous about this whole situation, but really, he was handling it with some semblance of grace. There had been too much going on in the past few weeks for him to be terribly bothered by what appeared to be an insane woman. However...He looked up to Elalle again. "...Well, not really, but it's worth a shot, isn't it? I mean..." He sat down in front of the woman playing with the dirt."...Elalle, do you... do you have an idea of... 'what' she is?" He gave his small ally a sideways look. "I might have an inkling, but I'd like to hear your opinion." GASP. Laurence was actually ASKING for Elalle's input? He looked back to her, wanting to ask further before actually taking the liberty of reaching out and touching her again. He began taking off his bulky gauntlets.

She blinked, several times in fact, at the Duke’s question. He was asking for her thoughts on the situation. Well, there is a first time for everything. “Uh…” she mumbled trying to refocus and gain control of the situation. “She is divine as a mortal can possibly be. The Goddess herself has touched her. Given her a gift few have ever received.” She spoke with growing excitement as the reality began to sink in. Her eyes glittered eagerly thinking of all the possibilities for their future – for her own future. Yes, this will do quite nicely. She looked to the Duke to be met with a blank stare. “She’s an Oracle,” Elalle stated more bluntly. “Now,” she stated, taking flight once more, “each Oracle is different. Some can see the future, some can communicate with divine beings, and others can see the Web of Life.” She hovered excitedly about the girl while she explained things to the Duke. “Each Oracle can see a different plane, you see. That’s why they are always different.” ‘And every Oracle has a very strong connection to the Goddess, Elalle thought to herself with a smirk. This will do very, very nicely. She spun about in the air to face the Duke once more with a large grin on her face.

It was late and her body and mind were tired, she couldn't remember the last time she had slept but she was sure her exhaustion was why the vision was so weak. She hated to see battles and hoped this was past and not future, but even the feeling of the threads of those around her were becoming weak and she laid down in the soft grass, letting the blades brush against her cheek as she closed her eyes. The sensations of the vision were leaving as she began to relax her muscles, but the effect of closing her eyes did not shut out any of it. She had long ago given up covering her ears, and her eyes, when something came through from the grey mist that filled her mind sometimes and for now she concentrated on the soft breeze and the soft prickle of the earth beneath her to carry her into deep sleep.

Laurence watched Elalle flit about excitedly, and he took in this information. "I had my suspicions... hm." He looked down to the blonde woman. She had laid down and began to drift. "... So. I'm... not sure how I feel about this." He frowned heavily and looked back up to Elalle. "I would rather not know if this quest is going to fail or not... or would she be able to tell us how to succeed?" He shifted, rubbing his now bare wrists thoughtfully. "...because she did seem to change fate back there at the tavern..." His gaze settled on her now, mind churning on the possibilities of having an oracle around. "...We'll talk more about this in the morning." With a sigh, he looked around the scene. "And with the town being still... upset... we might should camp here." He kicked off his boots as well. "Unless you want to try and get a room again." Which he didn't really wait for an answer. Because he was already laying back, hands folded underneath his head. Not a true sleeping position, but rather, one more suited for thought. "...g'night, Elalle. We'll talk more of it later." He shut his eyes with a heavy breath.

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