
It had been several hours since the humans had gone to sleep. Elalle stared out into the night, a fairly blank expression on her face. The forest was dark, but she could see the familiar orange glow of the sun hiding just beyond the horizon. A light breeze stirred the leaves of the tree she sat in and came to dance about her. It twisted and played with her hair for a moment before skipping off deeper into the woods. With a soft sigh she swept her hair back into place and looked down to the mortals below her to see if the wind had encouraged them to move in any way.

A leaf scraped across Cybil's cheek as the wind caught it and woke her. Her stone-grey eyes opened on the forest and a small smile curved her lips because she was aware that the woods she saw, the smell of the earth and the feeling of the air was her own reality. She looked up into the tree and saw the small fae that had spoken to her the night before, she could feel the eerie tingling that normally occurred before a vision came and took over her senses. She looked around and could see the tall man from the night before who had helped her. He seemed road-weary, but reminded her of a protector. Soon the scent of the earth was overwhelmed by smoke and she knew the vision from the night before was returning, the sounds of battle crashed into her ears and she rolled onto her back, her brow creasing from the early morning onslaught of sound.

Laurence had not really moved an inch from his initial position of sleep. He was breathing deeply, his hands still underneath his head. Those would be bitterly sore upon waking up. Was he really exhausted enough to just fall asleep in that initial relaxed position? His eyes twitched a bit as the breeze picked up, making him aware of the world outside of his dreams. "...mmmn." Half open eyes would reveal an early morning in the forest. Well, that's just... did they really sleep that long? With a grunt, he shoved himself up to a seated position. Though still a bit out of it, he looked over to check on the blonde woman. She had already seemed to be awake... Or as awake as an out of it crazy lady could be. "...you okay...?" He cocked a brow and tentatively reached over to pat the top of her head. "..."

At the sound of the Duke’s voice Elalle perked up. Leaning forward she was about to fully see him and the girl below. Her wings quivered slightly in anticipation for flight. Cybil had already seemed to slip back into her trance-like state. Elalle made a slightly sour face that the Oracle was already gone once again. “Going to have to do things the hard way, aren’t we…?” she muttered to herself. Seeing that the Duke was trying to interact with the girl in his own … way, she decided to remain in the tree a little while longer, waiting until the Duke called to her. Yes, she liked it when he needed her. It was petty, but there wasn’t much she could contribute beyond her knowledge of the magical realm.

Cybil's eyes moved across the branches of the tree which bled into her vision for one last moment before that too faded into the smokey, blood red horizon that now filled her eyes. Laying on her back helped a little to disorient her away from the vision but in her mind, she was at war. "Too many shiny pieces cause too much trouble, broken, too many threads broken here.." She could feel the anger strumming in the lifelines of those that had once fought that battle. Nothing she did could alter the outcome and so she did her best to concentrate on the reality she knew to be real. The man had seemed nice, and she tried to recall his face in the vision, but she could only see a faint outline of him in her mind's eye accompanied by the sound of horse's hooves.

The slight worry that crossed him was unable to be hidden. "You know, this whole being blessed by the goddess thing is sounding more like a curse..." He picked up his vision, trying to see if he could spot Elalle nearby. She usually was, though usually at annoying moments. His eyes lit up as he spotted her up on a branch. "...So, how exactly is she going to be helpful if she can't even...?" He frowned and cast his gaze towards her again. She looked a bit at odds, and he had figured out at least that silver pieces meant either daggers or swords. And if she was mumbling about them... He begins to wonder if she's seeing the future? He WAS heading back to Serladeca to claim it....... "Is she going to be like this for forever?" He knew that his entanglement with the damned goddess was only until he did what she wanted...

The Duke had spotted her. Not that she was really hiding from him, mind you. With little effort, she pushed herself off the branch and floated to the ground. “I’m not sure,” she said in answer to his question about her state of mind. “And before we go about deciding her usefulness, lets see if we can find out her name.” Elalle fluttered her wings enough to fly her up onto Cybil’s knee, landing daintily on it. Crossing her arms, she furrowed her brow in thought as she watched the girl look at something that was not visible to the other two. “I must say…I don’t think this girl is like any Oracle I have come across before. Something is…off…”

Cybil's eyes closed, but she felt the slight pressure of something on her knee. The fervor of the battlefield increased and the coppery edge to the air meant that this battle had spilled a lot of blood. She could see flashes of silver in the smoke, and knew someone had started a fire, but this too was in her mind, she was sure. She leaned her head back a little trying to avoid the stomach turning scent of death but knew there was no escaping it. "Its there, silvery piece and copper red, can they see, its all for naught, so many lives.." Her eyes opened again, but her vision had not changed, she listened hard through the battle sounds for the singing sounds of the threads that were near her in reality. With effort she could hear them, and it soothed her..

Laurence's gaze fell on Elalle, then back to the blonde woman. "...well... maybe the goddess... didn't impart it correctly or something..." His gaze narrowed slightly as he observed the woman in a completely different world... at least one that had already or was yet to happen. "Or maybe nothing's wrong with HER... maybe... the future is just that terrible to make her this way..." Just random thoughts, nothing else. Though it did seem better for her when one of them was touching her, even with all the talk of what seemed to be... a war... "...So... Am I to assume me restoring Serladeca will not go exactly as smoothly as planned?" He laughed dryly towards Elalle. "Any thoughts? He brushed some hair out of her face and laid a hand on her forehead, not terribly skilled in the department of comfort...

“Yes, plenty,” she said matter-of-factly. “I think you’re right about the future telling aspect, but there is only one way to be sure.” Elalle narrowed her eyes as she examined Cybil for a moment. She paused in thought and as a fun little way to keep Laurence on edge. She had known that it would come to this long before the moment at hand, but leading the Duke around was too much of a temptation to ignore. With a dramatic spin, the fae turned to face him. “I will have to transcend to the plane that she is seeing,” she announced dramatically. “As you have already guessed, she may reside here in the mortal realm physically, but her mind’s eye is functioning in a different world.”

Cybil took a deep breath and almost smelled the air of the forest, she could feel a cool touch to her forehead and it seemed that portions of her were pulled out of the vision and she could feel that the vision was still showing her something clear. In the center of the vision was a man, standing tall, his broadsword swinging widely in the midst of foes, he cut them down quickly and turned to face her, without seeing her. "Ah, silver piece, important thread, important to the thrumming.." He seemed brave, but foolhardy, and in his pride and triumph another in the battle ran him through with a sword. The man collapsed and the sword fell, the vision seemed to watch the sword carefully, while the battle continued to rage, unaware of the loss of any specific warrior.

He gave Elalle an incredulous look. "You can't possibly be serious?" Laurence gave the blonde woman a look close to squeamishness. "...that sounds neither safe or plausible!" He began to look frantic, completely taken by Elalle's little ploy. "It sounds dangerous what she's seeing! What if you get hurt and I have to figure this stuff out myself I REALLY DON'T agree with what you're going to do..." He grunted slightly, brining a hand to his forehead.

Elalle burst into a fit of laughter. “Don’t like it?! Well then, if that’s the case, then I’ll be going,” she stated, coming out of the giggles. “First of all, if it weren’t for transcending, I wouldn’t be here right now. Secondly, if I don’t do it, we won’t be able to help her. Not to mention help ourselves.” While talking she had placed her hands on her hips and began to pace across the narrow span of Cybil’s knee. “Now, it goes to say, this will not be easy. I need you to stay here, not that you really have anywhere to go, and make sure she remains relatively calm.” Breathing in deeply, she closed her eyes to focus. She wasn’t lying when she said it was challenging. She let her breath leave her body slowly and in doing so she could feel the magic start to take place. The familiar warm tingle in her belly told her so. Little by little she knew she was fading from the mortal realm. She struggled a bit to open her own mind’s eye so that she could seek out the Oracle. She wasn’t as well practiced as she should be, but after a moment she was able to function well enough.

Cybil's body was relaxed but her mind was in a state of confusion, every time the vision tried to move to somewhere else in the battlefield, her mind was jerked back to the sword lying half covered with mud and partially beneath a corpse. Her lips moved slowly, mouthing the words "silvery piece, found one" over and over. Her eyes stayed open for now looking back and forth in her mind's eyes trying to control the vision as much as possible.

"I am not happy about this, I'll have you know." He put on a rather forced sneer at Elalle as she seemed to try and find her way into the blonde woman's mind. "...right." He kept a hand on her forehead, and couldn't quite fight the feeling off of wanting to hold his breath. That wouldn't do anyone any good. He watches anxiously as this occurs, feeling rather useless.

Elalle made a bee-line for one dimension in particular – one that had come to be called The Web of Life. It was a plane that showed everyone’s fate and how they intertwined with one another. Her body appeared slowly as it became more in sync with the realm. Glancing down she could see her own thread passing through body. A very odd sight to see, indeed. With a quick look about she quickly spotted the Oracle. Only, something was right. Her astral being wavered constantly, coming in and out of focus. Elalle’s hunch was comfirmed – this girl was stretched between more than just two planes. Her eyebrows raised and lowered with a quick sigh, “No wonder she is crazy.” With a slight head nod, Elalle flew over to Cybil. “Ah, hello there,” she said, not sure what type of a response she would get.

She felt something move from her reality into the vision, and could see the small fae surrounded by a grey mist. Ah, so someone had found a way into this place. "You're the one that was there, last night, in the place where the man tried to end the life of the tall one, right?" Cybil creased her brow as she looked out over the destroyed field of battle. Her voice remain lyrical, but a certainty had taken the place of her normal wild abandon. "This place is supposed to be important to me, and I don't know how. Just another field of battle to me. Same smells, same sights, same sounds. It's hard to distinguish..." Cybil's stone-grey eyes widened at the fae, "I'm sorry, I have never really had the opportunity to talk much, I can never really get myself... together..." Cybil's eyes drew between the fae and the sword lying on the ground before her voice rose again, "How did you find this place?"

He was not happy. Not happy at all. Things were out of his control, and he hated it like that. Not that anything went terrific when he was, but at least he felt... helpful. He had no idea what was going on, and wouldn't, until Elalle came back with a damage report. Though he clung to the fact that his hand on the blonde woman's forehead was helping somehow, and watched... as if it revealed anything...

Elalle smiled softly. At last something this girl said made sense. “Yes, I was there, along with the Duke, er, Laurence.” She corrected herself so that the Oracle wouldn’t get the impression that the man they both traveled with was something more than a title. “I am Elalle,” she continued, “A messenger of the Goddess herself, which is why I am able to find this plane.” Her eyes glanced about, taking in the sights. “Laurence and I have been wondering several things, but lets begin with something simple: What is your name?”

Cybil tilted her head, brushing blond hair out of her face as she watched the fae speak, somewhat in awe of being able to communicate with someone who could see and understand her. "It's Cybil... at least, the last time I was called by a name, that was it." Cybil's brow furrowed a moment before she glanced back to the field of battle, "You say you know the Goddess? I have heard many speak of her, and I feel I'm tied to her in some way." Cybil's skin glowed in the firelight of the battlefield, everything here was imagined but it was perfectly rendered in this place, the vision encompassing even the viewers in its relentless display of "truth".

Shifting around on his seat, he seriously felt like a two year old in a corner. This was really not his area of expertise. Sitting around and waiting. "...." He sighed out heavily. He only hoped that Elalle was making some progress... He thumbed some hair out of the blonde woman's face. While he was still a little wary of her, not nearly as much so as last night. He gulped and looked back to the spot Elalle disappeared.

The fae nodded, “Yes, Cybil, I am not surprised you feel that way. It was the Goddess that gave you your powers, you know.” Elalle nodded her head smartly, though she couldn’t help thinking that what Cybil had wasn’t any gift she would want…There were several things that Elalle wanted to ask, but she could feel that she was growing tired. The Web of Life realm wasn’t one that was easy to remain in, which probably explained why Cybil wavered back and forth between it and another. She noticed that she had already began to fade back out. “I’m sorry Cybil, I can’t remain here any longer,” she managed to shout before completely disappearing. She had let her concentration waver to much and she was quickly losing control. With the last bit of her remaining energy she managed to throw herself back into the mortal coil. With a soft thud she fell to the ground, breathing heavily.

Cybil sighed looking at the fae watching her fade, she called after her, "I know you have to leave this plane but will you return to talk with me?" Cybil's voice was slightly strained as she finished the question, her eyes clouding slightly as she looked out over the battlefield. The scenes of the field began to fade into the grey mist that normally occupied the planes between everything, the only thing holding on was the sword, clearly this is what she was supposed to see. It seemed to be both a commoner's sword, but a sword that represented power. The handle was relatively normal looking, it was the blade that seemed to shine abnormally, even covered in the filth of battle. If she had not been staring at it so long she may have missed the small intricacies in the careful crafting of the weapon, it was clear this was meant to be for someone who wielded power for the people, it was a blade meant to kill and could never be mistaken for a decorative trapping of the court. She longed to reach out and touch it, but could not, her mind filling with mist that finally blocked out the sword and she was left to restful wanderings of her mind, sliding between the realms her mind occupied, and in her conscious she questioned what she had become involved in, if this fae traveled with the one known as Laurence and he had protected her. You'd think someone who spent so much time on fate would know her own, but nothing seemed to emerge from the mist for Cybil, nothing but emptiness and an ethereal wind that twisted her hair.

He shot out of his trance as Elalle randomly appeared again. "...what...?" He furrowed his gaze at her, studying her closely. "...Elalle?" He lightly laughed, shaking his head. Of course, he wanted to ask if she found anything out, but thought it might result in pain. His curiosities would have to wait, as the little faerie seemed exhausted. He smiled sadly down at the blonde woman, wondering if they could help her somehow. "I guess we'll find out soon enough."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got it to work so I could post on here! Yay!